Frequently Asked Questions

Why do I have to become a member?

You need to be a member to read our content. Membership allows us to get to know you better and deliver content that more closely suits your interests and information needs. Becoming a member entitles you to full access to our entire array of industry-leading content—news, interviews, expert bloggers and more—all designed in a mobile-friendly package that looks great and is easy to read on any device. Moreover, membership means you can become part of the conversation with other members and connect with a global community of hospitality professionals.

What are the benefits of becoming a member?

HOTELS members get

  • Access to news, interviews, and expert bloggers
  • Access to our digital magazine archives
  • Access to video and photo tours of innovative new hotel properties
  • Opportunities to interact with a global community of hospitality professionals, consultants and suppliers

Is my information safe with HOTELS?

HOTELS will not share your information without your permission.