
Food (Safety) Fight Richard Raymond
Dr. Richard Raymond is the former undersecretary of agriculture for food safety.

Bio for Richard Raymond

Dr. Richard Raymond is the former undersecretary of agriculture for food safety.

In that role at USDA from 2005 to 2008, he was responsible for setting food safety policy related to the meat industry. At a time of climbing rates of E coli 0157:H7 in ground beef testing and Salmonella in poultry testing, coinciding with increased numbers of beef recalls associated with human illnesses, Dr. Raymond worked to focus USDA inspection activities on vulnerable points in the food safety system and to implement a more risk-based inspection system.

Dr. Raymond is currently an affiliate professor at Colorado State University and an industry consultant and public speaker on food safety and public health issues. He is a member of the Board of Trustees of the International Life Sciences Institute NA.

Prior to joining USDA, Dr. Raymond was the chief medical officer for the state of Nebraska. Before that, he established and directed a family medical practice residency at Clarkson Hospital in Omaha, Neb. after 17 years as a rural family physician in the O’Neill, Neb. area.

He was elected by his peer s to the presidency of the Nebraska Medical Association in 1988 and the presidency of the Association of State and Territorial Health Officials in 2004.

Dr. Raymond received his Doctor of Medicine from the University of Nebraska College of Medicine in 1972.